Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hello all!
 Well I've been working hard at my secular employ, praying and thinking a lot about all of you, and the future of this small jurisdiction I have inherited.
 A good friend of mine is the senior bishop of a more far reaching jurisdiction than I have, and has invited me to be a part of.
 When we merge, we'll be in many corners of the world. still small by Roman standards,but still growing and on fire with the Holy Spirit and the Love of God.
 Right now the ORCC-English Rite, is in Ohio,NY,MA, and CA. In CA., we have an eccumenical order with reaches into Mexico,and the philipines. With this new merger, we'll be able to reach God's children in Australia,and the UK.  I'm indeed in awe of what God can do through prayer.
 Keep me and all of us in your prayers dear reader.
As a friend of mine once said...'God ain't done with you yet!'
Blessings to you and yours always,